„Oranges for the King“🧘🔬 6A/BLAU • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos“Oranges for the King” balance technic boulder 🧘🔬 with orange slopers & volumes 6A/V3/BLAU from <a href="/rob.buse">@rob.buse</a> at <a href="/bertablock?hl=de">@bertablock</a> (Paradies) von @rob.buse • 67 Sends, 1 Beiträge • Siehe BETA7 für Sends und Beta-Videos dieses Boulders
rob.buse🌟 BLUE KINGLINE 🌟 * Here's one from yesterday's reset @bertablockboulderhalle together with @tobidiedler @thor & @lennart_j 👊😎 * It's always a pleasure to work together with @tobidiedler true all-round setting talent from @flashh_boulderspot Hamburg 🔩🤴 * Today we set sector PING PONG and HALFPIPE @bertablockboulderhalle 🤹 After yesterday's sauna session I hope we get a bit colder temps today 🤒 * Come around and enjoy the new set in the evening 💟 * Cheers Robert
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