Helene Wolf, Heli (@helene) • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„🦎🌻💃⛰️🌏
@whiteoutclimbing“ • 113 Abonnenten, 21 abonniert, 58 Sends, 13 Boulders, 3 Beiträge • Siehe BETA7 für Sends, Boulders und Beta-Videos von Helene Wolf, Heli (@helene)
rob.buse🎖️!!! COMP SIMULATION !!!🎖️ * Yesterday evening @fabi_pensel@candyclimbing André and me prepared five comp-style boulder problems for @teambertablock @bertablockboulderhalle ✌️🤩 * My initial thoughts were that I want to set something RISKY and DYNAMIC like a #cma_quickstandup for the girls 🤸 * The move I was dreaming of was inspired by the latest comp simulation of @climbing_team_germany. #quickstandup into a gaston hold 🤯 * What came out at the end was surprisingly good, because it felt more like a stand-up into a compression move. You press the bad left side wall and the right hand gaston against the left volume #awesomefeeling when you stick that move! 🕺💃 * Unfortunately the big right side volume made it possible to get into a really tiny box like a corner from which you can stand-up slowly. @heleney52 shows how it works in the 2nd video. * 3rd video is her doing the intended #quickstandup after the comp first try and after I told her the beta 😂
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