ole.zelts Beta für jost_lehmanns orange slopers & jugs🚀🏄🧘 6B+/ORANGE • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„Updated version with volume instead of second foothold. Pro: No precison for right foot required (as illustrated). Con: Scary af! 😱 I just couldn't drive my heart rate down to well below 200 bpm for the top move. 😅“ • gefällt 21 Mal, 24 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
ole.zeltUpdated version with volume instead of second foothold. Pro: No precison for right foot required (as illustrated). Con: Scary af! 😱 I just couldn't drive my heart rate down to well below 200 bpm for the top move. 😅
ole.zeltOne thing's for sure: fear management was not included in the 6b+ grading! 😜 However, thanks for the great challenge @jost_lehmann! 🙏👍
rob.buse@ole.zelt Nicely done! 💪🩰 But one question remains; How do you think fear should be graded? 😱🆚🥱
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