• 268 Aufrufe
    ole.zeltNow here's a static way for the start! Thanks @bellonet for sharing this beta! 🙏 It felt a bit awkward, but was also fun. 😅🙂
    • bellonet@ole.zelt nice edit 😍 but it does not look desperate. thanks for the day session. ♥️ more please. ☕
    • ole.zelt@bellonet Maybe not, but that 's what it felt like. And from how long it took to release the left hand it's clear I was in a bit of trouble. 😅🤷‍♂️ Day session was great indeed! 🤩
    • singapursling@ole.zelt Thanks again you guys 😍👍🤗! Looks hard 🧐😖😤😳😬
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