sabrina_zas Beta für anna_dularidzes blue crimps, pinches & jugs 6C/LILA • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„When I first touched this boulder I thought: Well, I‘ll never ever stick the first few moves 🤯. It just seemed not „my style“. But I still tried, and tried and tried. Finally some progress in the second session today. Somehow at one point, the starting sequence felt quite easy (WTF?) aaaaand then, with much support from my fellow Hörnchen 🐿 (thanks 💜) … I SENT IT 😍🥳 Super proud!!“ • gefällt 35 Mal, 7 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
sabrina_zaWhen I first touched this boulder I thought: Well, I‘ll never ever stick the first few moves 🤯. It just seemed not „my style“. But I still tried, and tried and tried. Finally some progress in the second session today. Somehow at one point, the starting sequence felt quite easy (WTF?) aaaaand then, with much support from my fellow Hörnchen 🐿 (thanks 💜) … I SENT IT 😍🥳 Super proud!!
jan.kriednerSehr cool, Glückwunsch! Wie heißt es so schön? "Ever tried, ever failed, no matter. Try again, fail again, fail better." Und dann klappt es am Ende 😀👍
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