Makita_Marvs Beta für ihre/seine „Kindergarten“💪💣🔬 6C/LILA • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„This boulder was built around the conceptual volume set.#bouldering #routesetting“ • gefällt 12 Mal, 6 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
LauritzLooks futuristic and fun! 🤩 But why all those additional holds/volumes that aren't used? 🤔
Makita_Marv@Lauritz first the volumes were set. Then this first line that uses all but three volumes, then more lines were added that make use of the other volumes. all material is being used at some point
Lauritzoh, so other boulders use those volumes, i see💪😏
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