betazwergs Beta für luke_rzy_s black crimps💃🧘🤸🧠 7A/Level 7 • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„is it ok to start like that or do I need to touch the upper start hold first before matching the lower one? 😅 couldn't reach the top yet but love the rest of the boulder 🥰 and thanks to my personal cheerleaders, you rock 🤩“ • gefällt 15 Mal, 2 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
betazwergis it ok to start like that or do I need to touch the upper start hold first before matching the lower one? 😅 couldn't reach the top yet but love the rest of the boulder 🥰 and thanks to my personal cheerleaders, you rock 🤩
betazwergI now did it by holding onto my own hand on the lower start hold to get up there 👍
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