Alexs Beta für Makita_Marvs „mackie Messer“🏄💃 6A+/BLAU • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„@Primeape I've just seen that the sector is being rebuilt on Monday, but maybe you'll be back in the gym tonight or tomorrow. Considering that these are quite small crimps, they are surprisingly easy to grip. I've included a video snippet of how I do it. And actually, the following crimps can be held with very little force.“ • gefällt 19 Mal, 4 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
Alex@Primeape I've just seen that the sector is being rebuilt on Monday, but maybe you'll be back in the gym tonight or tomorrow. Considering that these are quite small crimps, they are surprisingly easy to grip. I've included a video snippet of how I do it. And actually, the following crimps can be held with very little force.
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