Ryan Vs Beta für Fini_pohlmanns red crimps & volumes💎🔬💪 7A/Grau • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„I think the intended beta is to difficult for me - after grabbing left foot jib and keeping feet in the roof, it feels like a 7B move (for me) to get to the next one (without impaling stomach on black volume). Campus workaround feels like 6C+/7A.“ • gefällt 1 Mal, 0 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
RyanValerianoI think the intended beta is too difficult for me - after grabbing left foot jib and keeping feet in the roof, it feels like a 7B move (for me) to get to the next one (without impaling stomach on black volume). Campus workaround feels like 6C+/7A.
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