johnbeenes Beta für jeroens black slopers & volumes💃🧬🔬🏄 6C/LILA • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„@lul44 I saw people struggle with the transition to the big undercling jug (5th pull) - I'm a bit smaller so standing up into the undercling with my left hand felt ok. I saw longer / taller people do more of a left shoulder/gaston move into the undercling jug. Hope this helps.“ • gefällt 16 Mal, 5 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
johnbeene@lul44 I saw people struggle with the transition to the big undercling jug (5th pull) - I'm a bit smaller so standing up into the undercling with my left hand felt ok. I saw longer / taller people do more of a left shoulder/gaston move into the undercling jug. Hope this helps.
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