johnbeenes Beta für fabi_pensels yellow slugs & volumes💣🚀💪 6C/LILA • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„@singapursling as requested. If you are a climber with more reach, you can grab the large rail on the left before releasing the toehook. If you're smaller like me, you just have to jump and hope for the best. It's more fun this way. 😊“ • gefällt 39 Mal, 7 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
johnbeene@singapursling as requested. Tall climbers with more reach can grab the large rail on the left before releasing the toehook. Small climbers like me have to jump and hope for the best. It's more fun this way. 😊
singapursling@johnbeene 🙏 Thanks so much! That looks great🤩💪👍! I give that one a try tomorrow.
bcdkey@singapursling the right jump hold seduces so much to use the bolt hole, but you must fight this temptation 🙂
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