PedroLHs Beta für rob.buses „Räubersprung“💎🤹🚀 6A/ORANGE • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„I was about to give up on this one because I am too afraid to commit to the dyno, but got motivated by @Boulderbobin sent and gave it a go today! So thanks for that!“ • gefällt 5 Mal, 2 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
PedroLHI was about to give up on this one because I am too afraid to commit to the dyno, but got motivated by @Boulderbobin sent and gave it a go today! So thanks for that!
BK_09Your welcome, happy I could motivate you! It took me a bunch of tries too, but it's a really fun boulder.
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