Adine 163cm-3cm~6B Adines Beta für candyclimbings forest crimps💣💪 6C/LILA • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„My first “purple” grade at Berta block. Loved this one so so much. This route taught me the impact of a drop knee. I was trying it for weeks and at the last weekend before the route setters re set all the problems on the wall, someone gave me the hint of trying a drop knee and it worked so well and easy. Thanks candy for this route“ • gefällt 8 Mal, 1 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...launch 413 AufrufeAdine My first “purple” grade at Berta block. Loved this one so so much. This route taught me the impact of a drop knee.
I was trying it for weeks and at the last weekend before the route setters re set all the problems on the wall, someone gave me the hint of trying a drop knee and it worked so well and easy. Thanks candy for this routeole.zelt
Adine 163cm-3cm~6B 413 Aufrufeole.zelt