georg_hoffis Beta für fabi_pensels yellow slopers, jugs, crimps & pinches💣💪💎🧲🔥 7B/SCHWARZ • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„Thx @fabi_pensel for this master piece! So many ways to climb it, I really enjoyed the process of adjusting everything and finally put it together! Thx @all who accompanied me in this boulder 🙂 the beta is only slightly different, but maybe it helps. There are also plenty of other ways to climb the roof section.“ • gefällt 50 Mal, 8 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
georg_hoffiThx @fabi_pensel for this master piece! So many ways to climb it, I really enjoyed the process of adjusting everything and finally put it together! Thx @all who accompanied me in this boulder 🙂 the beta is only slightly different, but maybe it helps. There are also plenty of other ways to climb the roof section.
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