black crimps & volumes💪💃 6C/Rot • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videosstrength footwork boulder 💪💃 with black crimps & volumes 6C/V5/Rot from <a href="/Fini_pohlmann">@Fini_pohlmann</a> at <a href="/BoulderKlub">@BoulderKlub</a> (Slab) from @Fini_pohlmann • 14 sends, 0 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos of this boulder
mywyb2How are you supposed to get to that tiny last foothold at the top? Do you use the last crimp below the top with your left or your right hand? 🤯
daniel.bI didn't use the last foothold. Left hand to the small crimp, step the feet as high as possible and then reach for the top slightly dynamically
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