green crimps & slopers 6C+/Grau • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos boulder with green crimps & slopers 6C+/V6/Grau from <a href="/AKBK">@AKBK</a> at <a href="/BoulderKlub">@BoulderKlub</a> (Mabu) from @AKBK • 20 sends, 0 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos of this boulder
mywyb2How do you get to that crimp without barndooring? 🤯
philooThink the key for me was to go with the left hand and dynamically. The right hand you plant on the sloper under the crimp (what is that called? inside human flag perhaps 😅) and can land with the feet on the volume lower down to the left...
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