Aaron_de_Wolff 0 Degree

red crimps 🔬💃6C/Grau

  • 216 Aufrufe
    • jendynosaurhey thank you for the beta but that doesnt work for me because I have t Rex Arms @Matas
    • NullSenseThere's a similar beta that might work for you, which is kinda falling onto that hold on the left and doing a dynamic foot swap with right foot on the starting hold and left foot smearing the left volume to prevent the barndoor. I'm shite at those though, so I stuck to this beta .
  • jendynosaurmade a beta request
    • NullSenseStaticly slowly shift left and grab crimp to prevent barndoor; match feet on lower volume; left foot on higher volume; right foot on starting crimp for the start.💪

