„Pickpocket“💣💪 6C/LILA • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos“Pickpocket” power strength boulder 💣💪 with orange pockets 6C/V5/LILA from <a href="/m.claudbatiste">@m.claudbatiste</a> at <a href="/bertablock?hl=de">@bertablock</a> (Hinkelstein) von @m.claudbatiste • 66 Sends, 2 Beiträge • Siehe BETA7 für Sends und Beta-Videos dieses Boulders
SebaristotelesHow do you go on when you have grabbed the first large pocket?
ollebollethe one at the edge? depends on which hand you used to get there. I use the right hand, then grab the pocket left to it with my left. then either a) match this one, b) grab the far left one with left hand (but that's a long reach) or c) cross with right hand to the upper hold. is that understandable? 😃
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