„SIMPLEXITY“🏄🧘 6A+/BLAU • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos“SIMPLEXITY” mantle balance boulder 🏄🧘 with violet slopers 6A+/V4/BLAU from <a href="/fabi_pensel?hl=de">@fabi_pensel</a> at <a href="/bertablock?hl=de">@bertablock</a> (Worldcup) von @fabi_pensel • 5 Sends, 1 Beiträge • Siehe BETA7 für Sends und Beta-Videos dieses Boulders
fabi_penselSIMPLEXITY at sector WORLD CUP at @bertablockboulderhalle 🟣 ... i first read this hybrid-word on a post from @r.kenna and it stuck with me - i guess it means that a boulder can look SIMPLE (only a few holds) but it is more COMPLEX after all 🤓 ... in this case you have just 2 identical holds and 3 footholds but a lot is happening as you go - first a technical #mantle into the #slab and than a #dynamic stand up into the top 🤗 ... #enjoy the #new set in the third gym part at #bertablock#berlin 🤙
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