Performance Rock climbing wall group brings climbing to the heart of the urban space,
With an ambition to make the sport accessible to as many women and men as possible and make it an organic part of the city.
Our climbing walls are designed to be a home and fertile ground for a growing climbing community.
A place of climbing, music, urban happenings and meeting people.
Performance Rock works vigorously to promote the sport of bouldering, to create the highest standards of professionalism and quality in routes, service and training.
PerformanceRockSetting (@PerformanceRockSetting) • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„Performance Rock climbing wall group brings climbing to the heart of the urban space,
With an ambition to make the sport accessible to as many women and men as possible and make it an organic part of the city.
Our climbing walls are designed to be a home and fertile ground for a growing climbing community.
A place of climbing, music, urban happenings and meeting people.
Performance Rock works vigorously to promote the sport of bouldering, to create the highest standards of professionalism and quality in routes, service and training.“ • 14 Abonnenten, 14 abonniert, 0 Sends, 50 Boulders, 5 Beiträge • Siehe BETA7 für Sends, Boulders und Beta-Videos von PerformanceRockSetting (@PerformanceRockSetting)
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