
Home location: familyrocks_boulderhalle
Level: ~5C
Height: 190cm

all time top 10

  • stabiwood climbed his first 6A/V3 with pink crimps🔬 6A/Grün (Malz).👊
  • stabiwood flashed pink slugs & jugs💪🏄 5C/Grün (Malz)


  • stabiwood climbed forest jugs💪🔬 5A/Gelb (Lehnitz)
  • stabiwood climbed „Mount O'burg“💪 5A/Gelb (Lehnitz)
  • stabiwood climbed „Oranienburger Alpenvorland“💪 4/Weiß (Lehnitz)
  • stabiwood climbed violet jugs💣🔬 5C/Rot (Malz) and reached a new level.👊
  • stabiwood climbed black jugs & edges🔬 5B/Rot (Friedrichsthal)👊
  • stabiwood climbed forest jugs🔬 5A/Gelb (Friedrichsthal)
  • stabiwood climbed white jugs🔬 3/Weiß (Lehnitz)
  • stabiwood climbed „Pinker Hai in Angriffslaune“💪 5C/Rot (Lehnitz) and reached a new level.👊
  • stabiwood flashed pink slugs & jugs💪🏄 5C/Grün (Malz)
  • stabiwood climbed orange edges💪 5+/Rot (Malz)👊
  • stabiwood climbed pink jugs, slugs & crimps💃🔬 5C/Rot (Schmachthagen)🥈
  • stabiwood climbed his first 6A/V3 with pink crimps🔬 6A/Grün (Malz).👊
  • stabiwood climbed green jugs💪 5C/Rot (Lehnitz)👊
  • stabiwood flashed turquoise jugs & volumes🔬 5B/Gelb (Lehnitz)
  • stabiwood climbed turquoise jugs💣 5C/Rot (Schmachthagen)🥈
  • stabiwood climbed yellow jugs💪 5A/Gelb (Germsdorf)
  • stabiwood climbed violet jugs🔬 4/Gelb (Friedrichsthal)
  • stabiwood climbed forest jugs🔬 5A/Gelb (Friedrichsthal)
  • stabiwood climbed orange slopers🧘‍💪 5C/Rot (Zehlendorf) and reached a new level.🥈
  • stabiwood climbed turquoise jugs💣 5A/Gelb (Zehlendorf)👊

