45 Grad (@45Grad) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos„MV's größte Boulderhalle. Entspannte, freundliche Atmosphäre; Kletterrouten in allen Schwierigkeiten und 1A Kaffee. Wir freuen uns auf dich!“ • 30 total boulders • See BETA7 for boulders and beta videos at 45 Grad (@45Grad)
all time top 10
georg.heinze climbed blue holds 7B (A)👊
hennesinho climbed blue holds 7B (A) and reached a new level.
georg.heinze climbed black holds 7A+ (A)👊
hennesinho climbed black holds 7A+ (A)
JohannesS climbed black holds 7A+ (A)👊
kiliangerdes climbed black holds 7A (A)👊
Jero climbed yellow holds 6C (A)👊
AnnaMenseAbgesehen vom Sprung finde ich die Route mega. der Sprung ist für mich ein Gate keeper; mit nem Tritt rechts wäre es für mich als Route kohärenter.
JohannesS climbed yellow holds 6C (A) and reached a new level.👊
FloW climbed his first 6C/V5 with yellow holds 6C (A).👊
kiliangerdes climbed yellow holds 6C (A)👊
david_b flashed black holds 5C/Level 4 (H)⚡
alex.wache climbed violet holds 5 (A)⚡
alex.wache flashed yellow holds 6A (A)⚡
alex.wache flashed black holds 6A (A)⚡
alex.wache flashed blue holds 6A (A)⚡
alex.wache flashed violet holds 5 (A)⚡
Tim.Kuhardt climbed his first 6B+/V5 with black holds 6B+ (A).👊
Tim.Kuhardt flashed violet holds 5+ (A)⚡
Tim.Kuhardt climbed his first 6A+/V4 with yellow holds 6A+ (A).🥈
Tim.Kuhardt climbed pink holds 5C/Level 4 (H) and reached a new level.👊
Tim.Kuhardt flashed violet holds 5/Level 3 (H)⚡
Tim.Kuhardt climbed blue holds 6A/Level 5 (H) and reached a new level.🥈
Tim.Kuhardt flashed violet holds 5/Level 3 (H)⚡
Tim.Kuhardt flashed black holds 5C/Level 4 (H)⚡
Tim.Kuhardt flashed violet holds 5/Level 3 (H)⚡
FloW flashed pink holds 5C/Level 4 (H)⚡
FloW flashed blue holds 6A/Level 5 (H)⚡
FloW flashed black holds 5C/Level 4 (H)⚡
FloW flashed black holds 6A/Level 4 (H)⚡
FloW climbed blue holds 6B/Level 5 (H) and reached a new level.👊
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