Berta Block Boulderhalle

Mühlenstraße 62, Berlin

all time top 10

  • gustav.lasse climbed his first 7C+/V10 with orange edges, slopers & volumes💎🧲🔥💣💪🔬🧬🧠 7C+/SCHWARZ (Titanic).✔️
  • m.claudbatiste climbed yellow crimps & slopers🧲💣💪 7B+/SCHWARZ (Cave Draham)👊
  • gustav.lasse climbed his project yellow crimps & slopers🧬 7B+/SCHWARZ (UFO).✔️
    gustav.lasseeinfach nice 🔥
  • gustav.lasse climbed his project black volumes🧬 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Karma).✔️
    gustav.lassedas top ist soooo schwierig 👊
  • gustav.lasse climbed his first 7B+/V9 with „Hidden Flashlight“🧲💎💣💪🦒💃 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Cave Draham).✔️
    gustav.lassemega Route! 🔥
  • gustav.lasse climbed his project orange volumes & crimps💣💪🔬🧬🧠🤸💎🏄 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Karma).✔️
    gustav.lassewas ein toller mantle 👍
  • gustav.lasse climbed „Eigelbexplosion“🧲💎💃💪💣 7B/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta) and reached a new level.👊
    gustav.lassealles vollkommen legitim geklettert... tolle route :)
  • marlonlr climbed his first 7B/V8 with „Tralala-Ding-Dong“🤹🚀💣🧠💎 7B/SCHWARZ (Ping Pong).✔️
  • marlonlr climbed his project „Langsam scheppert auch der Sekt“🔬🧬💃🧘‍ 7B/SCHWARZ (Paradies).✔️
  • marlonlr climbed his project violet crimps & pinches💣 7B/SCHWARZ (Panorama).✔️


  • valeriocost flashed „Schleuderhang 3000“🧘‍🧬🧠💪 6A+/BLAU (Halfpipe)
  • Pandu flashed „Austherapiert“🧠 6B/BLAU (Dicke Berta)
  • Pandu climbed black edges🏄💪 6B/LILA (Solarium)🥈
  • valeriocost climbed his project green crimps🔬🧬🧘‍ 6A+/BLAU (Cave Draham).✔️
  • valeriocost climbed blue slopers & slugs🧘‍💃🧲💪🔬🧬 6A+/BLAU (Paradies)
  • Pandu climbed his project green slopers & pockets 6B/BLAU (Wave).✔️
  • valeriocost climbed orange jugs & slopers💪🔬🧬 6A+/BLAU (Worldcup)🥈
  • Pandu climbed blue jugs & slopers💪💣🧠 6B+/LILA (Jumbo Love)🥈
  • valeriocost climbed black slopers & crimps 6A+/BLAU (Werkstatt)🥈
  • Pandu climbed blue jugs & slopers🏄💪💣 6B/BLAU (Ping Pong)👊
  • gustav.lasse climbed „Eigelbexplosion“🧲💎💃💪💣 7B/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta) and reached a new level.👊
    gustav.lassealles vollkommen legitim geklettert... tolle route :)
  • eenridoku climbed „Mr. Refrigerator“🧲💎💃 6A+/BLAU (Dicke Berta)👊
  • eenridoku flashed blue slopers🔬 6A/BLAU (Steuerboard)
  • eenridoku flashed yellow jugs & slopers 6A/BLAU (Ekcürb)
  • eenridoku climbed red jugs 6A/BLAU (UFO)👊
  • eenridoku climbed orange jugs & slopers 6B (Beach)👊
  • eenridoku flashed „Rübereiern“💃🧘‍🧠 5/GRÜN (Paradies)
  • eenridoku climbed „Fallschema“🧠💪💃🔬 6B/BLAU (Titanic) and reached a new level.👊
  • valeriocost climbed „The Forgotten One“💪💣 6A+/BLAU (Karma)👊
  • valeriocost climbed his first 6B/V4 with black/white slopers 6B/BLAU (Panorama).👊

