Berta Block Boulderhalle

Mühlenstraße 62, Berlin

all time top 10

  • stephanvogt1 climbed his project orange slopers💪 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Enterprise).✔️
  • paulegreiner climbed his project white crimps, pinches & volumes💣💪🚀🧲 7C+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Dicke Berta).✔️
  • paulegreiner climbed his first 7C+/V10 with orange edges, slopers & volumes💎🧲🔥💣💪🔬🧬🧠 7C+/SCHWARZ (Titanic).👊
  • gustav.lasse climbed his first 7C+/V10 with orange edges, slopers & volumes💎🧲🔥💣💪🔬🧬🧠 7C+/SCHWARZ (Titanic).✔️
  • Daniel_l climbed his project black slopers, crimps & volumes💎💪🧲💣 7C+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Tsunami).✔️
    Daniel_l7c/+ for me
  • paulegreiner climbed „Leonardo DiCaprio“💎 7C/SCHWARZ (Titanic)
  • paulegreiner climbed yellow crimps & slopers💣🏄💎💪🔬 7C/SCHWARZ (Ping Pong)
  • paulegreiner flashed „BlackBerry“💪 7C/SCHWARZ (Ping Pong)
  • Daniel_l climbed his project pink pinches💎💪💣 7C/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Dicke Berta).✔️
    Daniel_lSick Boulder with a lot of nice beta options👍
  • stephanvogt1 climbed black crimps, volumes, slugs, slopers & pinches💣💪🧲💃 7C/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Titanic)👊


  • Moritz climbed his project blue slugs & slopers 7A/ORANGE (Plattenbau).✔️
  • Snousel climbed „Nun...“🔬💪🏄 5/GRÜN (Plattenbau) and reached a new level.
  • Snousel flashed „Daniel auf Doppelespresso“💪 5/GRÜN (Submarino)
  • mistermaster climbed black/white slopers🧘‍🔬🧠 6C/LILA (Plattenbau) and reached a new level.👊
  • mistermaster climbed „Für jedes [...] ein Euro“🤹💣🏄 6B+/LILA (Enterprise)👊
  • 5bmb4jhwm5 climbed blue jugs & slopers🏄💪💣 6B/BLAU (Ping Pong)
  • pascal.hoffmann climbed violet jugs🔥 6C/LILA (Jumbo Love)👊
  • yartikh climbed his project green jugs💣🔥 6B+/LILA (Jumbo Love).✔️
  • FloK climbed green jugs💣🔥 6B+/LILA (Jumbo Love)👊
  • yartikh climbed his project violet crimps🔬💃 6B/BLAU (Eisberg).✔️
  • yartikh climbed black/white slopers 6B/BLAU (Panorama)👊
  • Mattis climbed his project orange slopers 7A+/SCHWARZ (Eisberg).✔️
  • Tina.Marvelous climbed her project „Abgenubst und ausgelutscht“🚪💃 6A+/BLAU (Plattenbau).✔️
    • DrZedsuper um die Ecke herum gedrückt 💪🏻
  • Paulusmaximus climbed pink slugs, jugs & volumes💪🔬🧬 6C/LILA (UFO)👊
  • Paulusmaximus climbed violet jugs & crimps💪🧬💣🔬 6C/LILA (UFO) and reached a new level.🥈
    • Paulusmaximusich hab denn Boulder noch nicht geschafft, ich hab mich hier vertippt
  • Paulusmaximus climbed his project „still don’t know my name“🔬💎🔥💣🧬 6C/ORANGE (UFO).✔️
  • s.merlin2002 climbed „your new fav“🔬🚀💪 7A+/SCHWARZ (UFO)👊
  • Snousel climbed green slugs🧬 5/GRÜN (Steuerboard)👊
  • Snousel climbed orange jugs🔬 5/GRÜN (Tsunami)🥈
  • Snousel climbed violet slopers 5+/GRÜN (Halfpipe)

