Camp4 Kletterzentrum (@camp4_kletterzentrum) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos725 total boulders • See BETA7 for boulders and videos at Camp4 Kletterzentrum (@camp4_kletterzentrum)
all time top 10
Ben00 climbed his project forest crimps🏄 7C+/weiß (Welle 🌊).✔️
leonsprengard climbed white crimps 7C/weiß (großer Block)👊
LorisEllrich climbed white crimps 7C/weiß (großer Block)👊
sebastian.camp4 climbed black slopers 7C/weiß (großer Block 2)👊
leonsprengard climbed his project black slopers 7C/weiß (großer Block 2).✔️
Manuel climbed his first 7C/V9 with pink edges & slopers🔥 7C/weiß (Keller).👊
anders.manuel climbed his project pink edges & slopers🔥 7C/weiß (Keller).✔️
LorisEllrich climbed his first 7C/V9 with pink edges & slopers🔥 7C/weiß (Keller).✔️
leonsprengard flashed black volumes 7B+/weiß (kleiner Block)⚡
Manuel climbed his project white crimps 7B+/weiß (Höhle).✔️
BabaBibu climbed red edges 5+/schwarz (kleiner Block)⚡
Joscha_B climbed black crimps 6A/gelb (kleiner Block)⚡
christian.borger77 flashed black edges 6A+/gelb (großer Block 2)⚡
christian.borger77 climbed his first 6B/V4 with yellow crimps🧲 6B/gelb (45).👊
lourottlaender flashed black edges 6A+/gelb (großer Block 2)⚡
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