Aleksandr Zelenskiis Beta für rob.buses „Ping-pong mit den Füßen“🔬💪💃 7A/SCHWARZ • BETA7 Boulders, Sends und Beta-Videos„It felt easier the other day. Also tried heel hook beta (⬆️ after the first crimp), but couldn't manage the momentum.“ • gefällt 21 Mal, 1 Kommentare • Mehr Infos bei BETA7...
zelenskyaIt felt easier the other day. Also tried heel hook beta (⬆️ after the first crimp), but couldn't manage the momentum.
georg_hoffiImpressive Fingerstrength @zelenskya For me this way is impossible. I only managed it usung the heelhook. Regarding the momentum, I release the hook when my right foot is already on the good foothold.
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