AKBK 175cm+4cm~7A AKBK's beta for her/his blue slopers, volumes & crimps🧘🏄💢🔬 6C/Grau • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos„intended beta for this boulder. you'll notice that the start foot hold and some of the other holds are much smaller, because the boulder was originally set out to be in the "red" difficulty range until we decided otherwise. All the moves are the same, the holds are more challenging. “ • 22 likes, 0 comments • See BETA7 for more...launch 432 viewsAKBK intended beta for this boulder. you'll notice that the start foot hold and some of the other holds are much smaller, because the boulder was originally set out to be in the "red" difficulty range until we decided otherwise. All the moves are the same, the holds are more challenging.
AKBK 175cm+4cm~7A 432 views