singapursling's beta for rob.buse's „Schnappern am Buffet“💣🤹 6C/LILA • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos„“ • 32 likes, 13 comments • See BETA7 for more...
singapursling“Schnappern am Buffet” power coordination boulder 💣🤹 with black pinches, jugs, crimps, edges, slugs & volumes 6C/V5/LILA from @rob.buse at @bertablock (Plattenbau)
gransergyeah, looks clever and the intended beta, I think. Great editing as always 🔥👍
singapursling@granserg Thanks mate! Not sure about the intended beta. I think it works if you are at least 175 cm tall. But for me it felt like the only way 😂
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