STAC 175cm~6C+ STAC's beta for candyclimbing's forest jugs🤹🤸 6B+/LILA • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos„One problem, two solutions 🎊 Thanks to @where___is___wally for giving me the jump-beta 🙏 I wasn’t going for the leap as much as I was stumbling towards it 😆 Felt quite scared of the one-armed catch, because the angles of the walls and volumes force you back quite a bit. Cleaner feet and bendy push beta in the second clip 😎 “ • 9 likes, 2 comments • See BETA7 for more...launch 110 viewsSTAC One problem, two solutions 🎊 Thanks to @where___is___wally for giving me the jump-beta 🙏
I wasn’t going for the leap as much as I was stumbling towards it 😆 Felt quite scared of the one-armed catch, because the angles of the walls and volumes force you back quite a bit.
Cleaner feet and bendy push beta in the second clip 😎jan.woltering jmeng
STAC 175cm~6C+ 110 viewsjan.woltering jmeng