black slugs🚀 7B/Schwarz • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videosdyno boulder 🚀 with black slugs 7B/V8/Schwarz from <a href="/Fini_pohlmann">@Fini_pohlmann</a> at <a href="/BoulderKlub">@BoulderKlub</a> (Cobra) from @Fini_pohlmann • 4 sends, 1 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos of this boulder
philooTo those who already topped: You hold the jump as gaston or as sort of paddle crossing through?
lelaurentno paddle works better for me, directly left and right hands. most important is to land on the good part of the left hold. Jumping position is two hands on the top volume start and feet on the highest positions to exploit the most leg extension.
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