yellow crimps🔬 7A/Schwarz • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videostechnic boulder 🔬 with yellow crimps 7A/V6/Schwarz from <a href="/jeroen">@jeroen</a> at <a href="/BoulderKlub">@BoulderKlub</a> (Cobra) from @jeroen • 9 sends, 1 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos of this boulder
philooProjecting this boulder for two sessions.. I feel so small right now 😅
lelaurent@phil93 it's maybe the opposite beta 🙃. Dead point to the small knob looks quite hard to me but I'll try the less jumpy version. These rocky holds sets are always fun!
jeroen@phil93 I have to release my left foot also when going to the capped hold 😉
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