red crimps & slopers 6A/Rot • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos boulder with red crimps & slopers 6A/V3/Rot from <a href="/Aaron_de_Wolff">@Aaron_de_Wolff</a> at <a href="/BoulderKlub">@BoulderKlub</a> (Mabu) from @Aaron_de_Wolff • 91 sends, 1 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos of this boulder
AmeliaMiddle part was a bit of a struggle for me since I don’t have the reach, I had to let go of the hand hold and blindly fall onto the right foot hold and somehow it was harder than I thought to keep the balance doing so. Had to keep adjusting, glad that it worked out 😮💨
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