blue jugs💪 6B/BLAU • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videosstrength boulder 💪 with blue jugs 6B/V4/BLAU from <a href="/m.claudbatiste">@m.claudbatiste</a> at <a href="/bertablock">@bertablock</a> (Eisberg) from @m.claudbatiste • 88 sends, 2 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos of this boulder
johnbeene@sunnyssun91 Here is what I meant - I think for smaller climbers or those that can't lock off the start hold, try using momentum and deadpoint at the crimp. I smear with the right foot with an open hip to generate a bit more force. It's still a hard move, but at least it's not entirely dependent on lockoff strength. The rest of the problem is a nice exercise in open/closed hip positioning.
rob.buseI've seen so many people struggling on this one. Seems like the body positions are really unstable, which forces a dynamic bumby style of climbing 👊🤩 Still nicely done @bellonet 😍👍
sunnyssun91nice moves! yea the start is very difficult for me. maybe a wrong body position. 💪😍👍
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