anna_dularidze Submarino

yellow crimps, pinches & slopers 💣💪7A/SCHWARZ

    SofaKing_KongFor Beta request. You can jam the right foot between the right starthold and the wall then press with the left foot to loose the jam. I lost my feet in the video but smearing on the wall usually worked quite good to get the foothold on the volume. Wish you lots of success for tomorrow!!
  • bcdkeymade a beta request
    bcdkeyI just don't get the sequence after you match on the volume in the middle, was trying heel hooking to the leftmost one - it just didn't work
    • tobsea sketchy beta whixh works for me 1out of 4 is to just "jump" with your left foot on the foothold
    • show all 2 comments

