green crimps, slopers & jugs🔬💣💪 6B+/LILA • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videostechnic power strength boulder 🔬💣💪 with green crimps, slopers & jugs 6B+/V5/LILA from <a href="/anna_dularidze">@anna_dularidze</a> at <a href="/bertablock">@bertablock</a> (Ping Pong) from @anna_dularidze • 120 sends, 2 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos of this boulder
sunnyssun91any beta that not directly reaching the undercling from the first triangle?
Shortyno, but it was reachable for me as well. It should be fine for you^^ The hold is far better on the thick left side. Maybe that helps. It worked for me.
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