
- V0 approved since 06.19 - back logging for dopamin reasons - waiting for private mode^^
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~7C
Height: 170cm
Ape index: 1cm

all time top 10

  • Daniel_l climbed his project black slopers, crimps & volumes💎💪🧲💣 7C+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Tsunami).✔️
    Daniel_l7c/+ for me
  • Daniel_l climbed his project „Brutforce Impérial“💎💃💪💣🧬 7C/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Cave Draham).✔️


  • Daniel_l climbed yellow/black jugs, slopers, volumes & crimps🤹🧘‍💃🤸🧬💪🔬🏄 7A+/SCHWARZ (swing 'n' jump)👊
    Daniel_lohne den Tritt links auf dem Volumen gings dann auch für mich😅
  • Daniel_l climbed „Quali Herren BLM“🧘‍ 7A/LILA (run 'n' jump)👊
  • Daniel_l climbed „Final Damen BLM (Pinch changed)“💪 7B/SCHWARZ (run 'n' jump)
  • Daniel_l climbed orange edges, crimps & slugs🚀💣 7B/SCHWARZ (UFO)👊
    Daniel_lknackiges Teil🚀
  • Daniel_l climbed blue crimps, edges & slopers🚀🤹💣💪🔬🧬🧠💎 7A+/SCHWARZ (Backboard)🥈
  • Daniel_l flashed „erstlingswerk“💪🧲🔬 7A/SCHWARZ (Tsunami)
    Daniel_lKrasses Teil! Fand ich echt nicht so leicht. Weil komplex
  • Daniel_l flashed „leichte Arbeit an guten Griffen“💎💣🔬 7A/SCHWARZ (Beach)
  • Daniel_l climbed violet crimps & slopers💪🔬💎🧲💣 6C+/LILA (Beach)
  • Daniel_l climbed black volumes, slopers & crimps🤸🤹 6C/LILA (Beach)👊
    Daniel_lmega cool! Wenn der Palm Press unten wäre absolutes Meisterwerk👍
  • Daniel_l climbed „🥸“💪 6B+/LILA (Beach)
  • Daniel_l climbed blue jugs, crimps & edges🚀🤹💣💪🔬🧬🧲 6B+/LILA (Beach)
  • Daniel_l climbed „!EGAM“🤹 6B/BLAU (Beach)
  • Daniel_l climbed cornflower slopers🔬🤸 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg)👊
    Daniel_lRly nice moves! Hard to grade. Felt chill when I knew how the first move goes.
  • Daniel_l flashed pink slopers & crimps💪🔬 7A/LILA (Eisberg)
    Daniel_lbissl gedübelt
  • Daniel_l flashed black/violet jugs, crimps & pinches🤹💣💪🔬 7A/SCHWARZ (swing 'n' jump)
  • Daniel_l climbed „Quali Damen BLM“🧘‍ 6C+/LILA (run 'n' jump)👊
  • Daniel_l flashed pink edges, crimps, jugs, pinches, slugs & volumes🔥💪💣 6C+/SCHWARZ (UFO)
  • Daniel_l climbed black/white slopers🔬🧘‍ 6C/LILA (Steuerboard)👊
  • Daniel_l climbed „(umgeschraubt easy Version)“💣💪💎 6C/LILA (Ekcürb)👊
  • Daniel_l climbed yellow jugs & volumes🚀🧲 6C/LILA (Backboard)

