
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~4
Height: 180cm
Ape index: -4cm

all time top 10

  • Holli climbed green jugs🔥 5+/ORANGE (UFO)
  • Holli climbed his project pink jugs & volumes🔬 5+/ORANGE (Ekcürb).✔️


  • Holli flashed violet jugs & volumes💪 5/GRÜN (Ping Pong)
  • Holli climbed pink slopers & jugs💢💪🔬 3/WEISS (Beach)
  • Holli climbed „Halb gezapft ist halb vergeudet“💪 4/GELB (Brücke)
  • Holli climbed „Feierabendabreißer“💪🧠💎 5/ORANGE (Wave)👊
  • Holli flashed „Braten im Solarium“💣💪 5/GRÜN (Solarium)
  • Holli climbed violet jugs, crimps & volumes💪 4/GELB (Competizione) and reached a new level.
  • Holli flashed cornflower jugs, crimps, edges & volumes🧬💪🔬 5/GRÜN (Competizione)
  • Holli climbed yellow jugs & volumes🔬💪 4/GELB (Competizione) and reached a new level.
  • Holli climbed red slugs, jugs & volumes💪🔬 4/GRÜN (Competizione)
  • Holli flashed „Traverse v. rechts nach links ⬅️“🔬🔥 4/GRÜN (Competizione)
  • Holli flashed black jugs💣 5/ORANGE (Backboard)
  • Holli flashed pink jugs🔬 4/ORANGE (Backboard)
  • Holli flashed violet edges🧘‍ 3/ORANGE (Tsunami)
  • Holli flashed green slopers🔬 3/ORANGE (Steuerboard)
  • Holli climbed his project pink jugs & volumes🔬 5+/ORANGE (Ekcürb).✔️
  • Holli climbed green jugs🔥 5+/ORANGE (UFO)
  • Holli climbed violet jugs💪 4/ORANGE (Brücke)

