
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~7A+
Height: 180cm
Ape index: 10cm

all time top 10

  • HubiV climbed her/his first 7B+/V9 with „no one mourns the pickles“🧲💪💣💎🧠 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Beach).👊
  • HubiV climbed her/his first 7B+/V9 with black crimps, slopers, pinches & volumes💣💪🔬💎🧲 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg).👊


  • HubiV climbed cornflower slopers, crimps & pinches💪🔬🧲🔥 7A/SCHWARZ (Cave Draham)
  • HubiV climbed „Tetris spielen mit Morphoholds“💎🏄 6C/LILA (Cave Draham)
  • HubiV climbed cornflower jugs🔬💣🧲 6C/LILA (Cave Draham)
  • HubiV climbed „Vogelschwarm“ 6C+/LILA (run 'n' jump)🥈
  • HubiV climbed „Sie muss noch Knödel braten“💪💣 6C/LILA (UFO)
  • HubiV climbed her/his project yellow slopers, crimps & pinches💣💪🧬🔬🔥💎🧲 7B/SCHWARZ (Cave Draham).✔️
  • HubiV climbed „gemischte Tüte süßes“💃💪💣🧲 7B/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta)👊
  • HubiV climbed blue jugs, crimps & volumes💪🔬 6C/LILA (Dicke Berta)
  • HubiV climbed black slopers💪💣 7A/SCHWARZ (Submarino)
  • HubiV climbed „fast übersehen“💃💪🔬 6C/LILA (Submarino)
  • HubiV climbed „Shady Business“💪💃🧲💣 7A/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta)
  • HubiV climbed „Die Macht des Daumens sei mit Dir!“💎💣💪 6C/LILA (Dicke Berta)
  • HubiV climbed „pogo fans where you at?!“💪💣 6C+/LILA (Dicke Berta)
  • HubiV climbed orange edges, pinches, crimps & pockets🔬🧠 7A/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta)
  • HubiV climbed yellow crimps, slopers, volumes & holds🧬🔬💃 7A/LILA (Dicke Berta)
  • HubiV climbed „Donnerblitz“💣💪🔬🧬🦒🤸 7A/SCHWARZ (Dicke Berta)
  • HubiV climbed blue crimps, edges & slopers🚀🤹💣💪🔬🧬🧠💎 7A+/SCHWARZ (Backboard)👊
  • HubiV climbed black jugs, crimps, edges, pinches, volumes & slopers🧲💪💣 7A+/SCHWARZ (Brücke)👊
  • HubiV climbed „Im DM-Feeling“💣🧲 6C/LILA (Backboard)
  • HubiV climbed „leichte Arbeit an guten Griffen“💎💣🔬 7A/SCHWARZ (Beach)🥈

