
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~6A
Height: 183cm

all time top 10

  • Opsi climbed his first 6B+/V5 with „netflix & chill ist auch Arbeit“🚀 6B+/LILA (Panorama).👊
  • Opsi climbed his first 6B/V4 with „Fotokopierer“🤹🏄 6B/LILA (Submarino).👊


  • Opsi climbed yellow pinches🚪🧬🔬 6A+/BLAU (Plattenbau) and reached a new level.👊
  • Opsi climbed black/white slopers 6B/BLAU (Panorama) and reached a new level.👊
  • Opsi flashed yellow slugs & crimps 5+/ORANGE (Panorama)
  • Opsi climbed his first 6B+/V5 with „netflix & chill ist auch Arbeit“🚀 6B+/LILA (Panorama).👊
  • Opsi climbed „2. Sommercamp #3“🧘‍🤸💃🔬 6A+/LILA (run 'n' jump) and reached a new level.👊
  • Opsi climbed violet slopers 5+/GRÜN (Paradies) and reached a new level.🥈
  • Opsi climbed white jugs & volumes🧘‍💃🧬💢 6A+/BLAU (Halfpipe)👊
  • Opsi climbed green slopers🏄🧘‍ 4/ORANGE (Halfpipe)🥈
  • Opsi flashed „50 Shades of Blue“🧘‍🔬 5+/ORANGE (Cave Draham)
  • Opsi climbed orange slopers & crimps💎 6A+/BLAU (Panorama) and reached a new level.🥈
  • Opsi climbed pink slopers & crimps🧘‍🧠 6A (Panorama)👊
  • Opsi climbed his first 6B/V4 with „Fotokopierer“🤹🏄 6B/LILA (Submarino).👊
  • Opsi climbed his first 6A+/V4 with „Schulter Versus Schwung“🤹💎 6A+/BLAU (Submarino).👊
  • Opsi climbed yellow crimps, slopers & volumes🧘‍💃🔬💪 6A/BLAU (Wave)👊
  • Opsi climbed yellow pinches🔬 5+/GRÜN (Panorama)👊

