Tenta (@Rafael) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos„bouldere seit einem halben Jahr und bouldern ist toll . Bisher höchstes , was ich geschafft habe eine 6b“ • 0 followers, 0 following, 45 sends, 1 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos from Tenta (@Rafael)
all time top 10
Rafael climbed white jugs, crimps, slopers & volumes🤹💢🔬 6B+/ORANGE (Cave Draham) and reached a new level.
Rafael climbed his project „die spitze Speerspitze ist spitze“🏄🔬🤸 6B+/LILA (Tsunami).✔️
Rafael climbed „es kann leicht sein, wenn du es zulässt“🧘🏄 6A/BLAU (Beach)🥈
Rafael climbed „jetzt ohne Griffe“💪 6A/BLAU (Plattenbau)⚡
Rafael climbed „snowflakes“💪 6A/BLAU (Cave Draham)🥈
Rafael climbed black slopers & slugs💪🔬🏄🤸 5/ORANGE (Cave Draham)⚡
Rafael climbed „happy birthday 10“💃🧲💪 6A/ORANGE (Enterprise)⚡
Rafael flashed turquoise jugs💪 6A+/BLAU (Dicke Berta)⚡
Rafael climbed „Schokoladenloch“🧬🧘 6A+/BLAU (Solarium)🥈
Rafael climbed black crimps & slopers💪🔬💃🧘 6A/BLAU (Competizione)🥈
Rafael climbed „Kindergarten Autobahn A100“💪💃 5+/BLAU (Competizione)⚡
Rafael climbed yellow jugs & slopers🤹🚀💣💪 6A+/BLAU (Paradies)👊
Rafael climbed „aufsatteln“🏄 5+/ORANGE (Ekcürb)⚡
Rafael climbed „Schlümpfe müffeln Muffinpuder“💢🔬💪 6A+/BLAU (Brücke)👊
Rafael climbed his project „City-Roller-Intermezzo“🔬🤸🧬 6A+/BLAU (Ping Pong).✔️
Rafael climbed black jugs🤹💪💣💃 6A/BLAU (Wave)👊
Rafael climbed „Kinderkamin Deluxe“🔬🧠💢 6A/BLAU (Competizione)⚡
Rafael climbed cornflower jugs & slopers💣💪🧲 6A/BLAU (Dicke Berta)⚡
Rafael climbed his project „Leischten muss man sich leischten“💪🔬🧬💣 6A+/BLAU (Solarium).✔️
Rafael climbed yellow crimps🧘💪💃 5+/ORANGE (Plattenbau)🥈
Rafael climbed his project „Gutartiges Melanom“💪🧬🏄 6B/ORANGE (Submarino).✔️
Rafael climbed cornflower jugs🧲💣💪 6A/BLAU (Cave Draham)⚡
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