
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~5+
Height: 170cm

all time top 10

  • Stone86 climbed his first 6B+/V5 with green jugs💣🔥 6B+/LILA (Jumbo Love).✔️
  • Stone86 climbed violet edges💢 6A+/BLAU (Toprope)👊


  • Stone86 climbed „Is nen downer“💪💣 5/GRÜN (Brücke)
  • Stone86 climbed „out of the darkness into the light“🧬🧠🔬🧘‍💃🤸💢🏄 4/ORANGE (Worldcup)
  • Stone86 flashed yellow jugs & volumes💪🔬🧬🧠💢🤸🧘‍💃🏄 6A/BLAU (Worldcup)
  • Stone86 flashed cornflower jugs🧲💣💪 6A/BLAU (Cave Draham)
  • Stone86 climbed „Get low Routesetting“🔥💪🔬🧲 6A/BLAU (Jumbo Love) and reached a new level.👊
  • Stone86 climbed „Beckenbodentraining“💪 6A/BLAU (Dicke Berta)👊
  • Stone86 flashed pink jugs🔬💪 4/GELB (Eisberg)
  • Stone86 climbed yellow crimps🧘‍💪💃 5+/ORANGE (Plattenbau) and reached a new level.🥈
  • Stone86 flashed „🧙‍♂️“💃💪 5+/GRÜN (Beach)
  • Stone86 flashed „Höher, weiter, schneller“💣💪🧲 5/GRÜN (UFO)
  • Stone86 climbed orange jugs💣💪🧲 5/GRÜN (UFO)
  • Stone86 climbed his first 6B+/V5 with green jugs💣🔥 6B+/LILA (Jumbo Love).✔️
  • Stone86 climbed violet edges💢 6A+/BLAU (Toprope)👊
  • Stone86 climbed his first 6A+/V4 with „Aching for Berta's walnut cake“🔥💢 6A+/BLAU (Jumbo Love).✔️
    Stone86Überhang.. Macht immer Bock! 🔥👍
  • Stone86 climbed his project „Illegales Saunieren (lang)“🔥💪 6A/BLAU (Jumbo Love).✔️
  • Stone86 climbed his first 6A/V3 with „Parade“🔥💣 6A/GRÜN (Cave Draham).✔️
    Stone86After a really nasty fall.. Finally git it🔥
  • Stone86 climbed cornflower jugs🔥 4/GELB (Tornado)
  • Stone86 climbed forest jugs🔥 5+/GRÜN (Dicke Berta)🥈

