
Home location: camp4_kletterzentrum
Level: ~4
Height: 172cm

all time top 10

  • TheT climbed pink slopers💎 5+/schwarz (großer Block 2)
  • TheT climbed his project red jugs🚪 5/rot (großer Block 2).✔️


  • TheT climbed forest jugs 5/rot (großer Block) and reached a new level.🥈
  • TheT climbed his project red jugs🚪 5/rot (großer Block 2).✔️
  • TheT flashed blue edges💎 5/rot (großer Block 2)
  • TheT climbed yellow jugs 5/rot (großer Block)🥈
  • TheT climbed orange jugs 4/grün (großer Block)
  • TheT flashed white jugs 4/rot (großer Block)
  • TheT climbed pink slopers💎 5+/schwarz (großer Block 2)
  • TheT climbed yellow jugs 4/rot (große Platte) and reached a new level.
  • TheT climbed „Kanufahrt“ 5/rot (große Platte)👊
  • TheT climbed black jugs🧲 4/rot (großer Block 2)

