Béla Poprawa (@Bela_Poprawa) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos89 followers, 44 following, 1516 sends, 20 boulders, 4 posts • See BETA7 for sends, boulders and videos from Béla Poprawa (@Bela_Poprawa)
all time top 10
Bela_Poprawa climbed his first 7C/V9 with „Isolde Senden“💎💣🔥 7C/SCHWARZ (Brücke).✔️
Bela_Poprawa climbed „es kann leicht sein, wenn du es zulässt“🧘🏄 6A/BLAU (Beach)⚡
Bela_Poprawa climbed „Preacher of the Creature“🧲🔬💪💣 7A/SCHWARZ (Beach)👊
Bela_Poprawa climbed „Gönn dir mal was feines“💪🔬💎 6A+/LILA (Beach)⚡
Bela_Poprawa climbed „Après-Ski mit DJ Bobo“🔬🏄 7A/SCHWARZ (Paradies)👊
Bela_Poprawadid it the right way and enjoyed the shoulder pump
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