daniel (@danieldefoe) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos6 followers, 22 following, 686 sends, 11 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos from daniel (@danieldefoe)
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danieldefoe climbed his first 7A/V6 with black crimps & slopers🔬💃🚀 7A/Schwarz (Mabu).👊
danieldefoe climbed his project black crimps & edges🔬🧬🧲 6C+/Grau (60 Degree).✔️
danieldefoethis boulder is a mystery. when I clime it like a hard red, very technical grabbing the hold standing sideways, smearing with the left foot on the grey volume while grabbing the donut... I am unable to do it. when I just powering myself up just frontal just jumping it feels like the easiest thing ever.
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