felix (@gro_301) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos8 followers, 21 following, 325 sends, 5 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos from felix (@gro_301)
gro_301 climbed „Ich war mal modern“💪 6B/LILA (Enterprise)⚡
gro_301 climbed „totem sit extended“💪🔬 6B/LILA (Beach)⚡
gro_301 climbed his project „blue eyes“🤹💃🔬🧬 6C/ORANGE (Eisberg).✔️
gro_301 climbed „Schultra“💢💪 6B+/LILA (Panorama)⚡
gro_301 climbed „A Dragon named Karl-Heinz🐉“💃🧲🤹💪 6C/LILA (Plattenbau)👊
gro_301 climbed blue crimps & pinches🤹💪🔬 6B/LILA (Cave Draham)👊
gro_301 climbed blue jugs & slopers💎💣💪 6B+/LILA (Cave Draham)⚡
gro_301 climbed „die spitze Speerspitze ist spitze“🏄🔬🤸 6B+/LILA (Tsunami)🥈
gro_301 climbed black slopers, crimps & volumes🔬 6B+/LILA (Beach)🥈
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