
Home location: studio_bloc_mannheim
Level: ~6A
Height: 172cm
Ape index: 5cm

all time top 10

  • hering8a climbed his first 7A/V6 with white volumes💃 7A/Level 7 (Welle).🥈
  • hering8a climbed his project white slopers & crimps🧲💪💃 6C/Level 6 (Kleiner Überhang).✔️


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  • hering8a climbed red crimps💪 5A/Level 5 (Karussell)
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  • hering8a climbed blue slopers🔥 5B/Level 5 (Karussell)
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  • hering8a climbed black crimps🧘‍🏄 5B/Level 5 (Klippe)
  • hering8a climbed his first 7A/V6 with white volumes💃 7A/Level 7 (Welle).🥈
  • hering8a climbed black crimps & slopers💪🔬 5C/Level 5 (Welle)
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  • hering8a climbed white pockets💣 5B/Level 5 (Bistro-Block Vorderseite)
  • hering8a flashed black volumes🧘‍ 6A/Level 6 (Welle)
  • hering8a climbed red crimps & slopers🧬 5B/Level 5 (Bistro-Block Vorderseite)
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