
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~6B+
Height: 185cm

all time top 10

  • ivdim climbed his first 7A/V6 with „Mit der Macht der Karotten 🥕“🧲💎💃 7A/SCHWARZ (Plattenbau).✔️
  • ivdim climbed his first 6C/V5 with yellow crimps, edges, slopers, volumes, jugs & pinches💎💣🦒 6C/LILA (Worldcup).


  • ivdim climbed blue jugs, crimps & slugs💣💪🔬 6B+/LILA (Worldcup)👊
  • ivdim climbed „Cliffhanger bei Omas Teestündchen“💎💃💪 6C/LILA (Dicke Berta)👊
  • ivdim climbed „secret boulder“🔬 6B/ORANGE (Titanic)
  • ivdim climbed „kellerfund“💪🔬 6B/ORANGE (Brücke)
  • ivdim climbed his first 7A/V6 with „Mit der Macht der Karotten 🥕“🧲💎💃 7A/SCHWARZ (Plattenbau).✔️
  • ivdim climbed „Beinschwung“🤹💎🧲 6B/BLAU (Ping Pong)👊
  • ivdim climbed violet jugs & crimps🔬💪 6B/BLAU (Eisberg)
  • ivdim climbed „My first onearmer“🚀💣💪💎 6B+/LILA (Dicke Berta)👊
  • ivdim climbed „Schleifpunkt finden“💃🔥💪 6C/LILA (Submarino)👊
  • ivdim climbed „big moves - small boxes“🔬💎🤸🚪💣 6A+/BLAU (Dicke Berta)🥈
  • ivdim climbed „Kampf der Schoki“🚪🔬 6A+/BLAU (Tsunami)
  • ivdim climbed „Fast so wie gut wie Schupfnudeln“💢🔬💪 6A+/BLAU (Submarino)
  • ivdim climbed „Gutartiges Melanom“💪🧬🏄 6B/ORANGE (Submarino)👊
  • ivdim climbed „Kannst du schweben?“🧘‍💃🔬 6C/LILA (Wave) and reached a new level.👊
  • ivdim climbed „die spitze Speerspitze ist spitze“🏄🔬🤸 6B+/LILA (Tsunami)🥈
  • ivdim climbed „Drei Centimeter“🧠🤹💣💃 6B/BLAU (Cave Draham)👊
  • ivdim flashed violet jugs, slopers & crimps🚀💪💢🔬 6B/LILA (Toprope)
  • ivdim flashed blue jugs & slopers💎💣💪 6B+/LILA (Cave Draham)
  • ivdim climbed black/white slopers 6B/BLAU (Panorama)👊
  • ivdim climbed violet jugs💪🧲💣 6A/BLAU (Dicke Berta)

