Jody Phoenix Joy (@jody.townsel) • BETA7 boulders, sends and beta videos26 followers, 40 following, 101 sends, 3 posts • See BETA7 for sends and videos from Jody Phoenix Joy (@jody.townsel)
jody.townselFunny how the body works sometimes. After a week of not touching the dyno I repeated it at the first go. But slipped at the top. When I wanted to repeat it right afterwards for the video It took me 13 goes to just get the start.? Just how haha. Pressure changes the conditions a lot. Anyways I'm happy I made it haha.
jody.townselFuck instagram. I needed to Download an app to cut the video so that instagram is Not cutting 50% of the View away.... just whyyyy !!!! Anyway
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