
Linus Raatz
climber, freenlance routesetter, frechdachs
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~7C
Height: 176cm

all time top 10

  • linusraatz climbed „Cursed Climbing“💎🧠 8A/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg)👊
    linusraatzlots of fun!! little session in humid conditions last weekend with no send - did it first try today 🤌🏼
  • linusraatz climbed „Preparation for Switzerland“💎💃🔥💪🧬 8A/SCHWARZ (Ekcürb) and reached a new level.👊
    linusraatzgreat climb! 😍 outdoor style, many betas, optional holds...I mean that in the best way! Not sure about the grade, might be soft for 8A, might be 8A
    • Fabian_Bnice, exactly what I want to create. 😊 👍


  • linusraatz climbed black jugs🤹 6C/LILA (Panorama)
    linusraatzuhlala 🌶️💃🏼
  • linusraatz climbed his project blue crimps🔬🧬 7B+/Schwarz (Slab).✔️
    linusraatzfell so many times at the top 🥲
  • linusraatz climbed „Hüftmobilisation“💪💣🦒🔬🤸 7B+/SCHWARZ (Eisberg)👊
    linusraatzvorm top fand ichs schon hart. Würde min 7C geben. Sehr nice!
    • Daniel_lstrong send💪! sry für den Sandbag. Ist wohl sehr styleabhängig der Boulder und halt Leisten.
  • linusraatz climbed yellow jugs, pinches, slopers, volumes & crimps🚀🤹💪💣🔬🧠🧲💎🧬 7B/SCHWARZ (Ekcürb)🥈
    linusraatzder sloper 😮‍💨
  • linusraatz flashed turquoise slopers & pinches🔬🧬💪🏄💎🧲💃🤸🦒💣 7B/SCHWARZ (Ekcürb)
    linusraatzphysisch aber auch weckelig 😅
  • linusraatz climbed yellow edges, crimps, jugs, pinches, slugs, slopers & volumes💎 7C/SCHWARZ ⚡ (UFO)👊
    linusraatzDa muss der Bizeps mal richtig an gehen. Hat sich im Wettkampf hart angefühlt...
  • linusraatz climbed green edges💣 7C+/Schwarz (Death Star)👊
    linusraatznice and physical! 7C/+?
  • linusraatz climbed turquoise edges💣 7A+/Schwarz (Death Star)👊
  • linusraatz climbed yellow slopers & crimps 7A/Schwarz (Cobra)
  • linusraatz climbed orange crimps, slopers & volumes💎🧲🔥💣💪🔬🧬🦒 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (UFO)👊
    linusraatzletzter Zug hats nochmal in sich.
  • linusraatz climbed violet crimps, jugs, slopers & pinches🧲💎💣💪 7B/SCHWARZ (Eisberg)👊
  • linusraatz climbed „hand hug“💪 7C+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg)👊
    linusraatzgudes teil. fands knackig für 7C
  • linusraatz climbed yellow jugs, crimps, volumes, pinches & slugs💣🤹💪 7A/SCHWARZ (Wave)🥈
  • linusraatz climbed „He's not part of our inventory“🔬🧘‍🧠🤸💃 7A+/SCHWARZ (Halfpipe)🥈
    linusraatzspicy top 🌶️😍
  • linusraatz climbed „Auftrag nicht erfüllt, setzen 6.“💃💪🔬 7A+/SCHWARZ (Ping Pong)
  • linusraatz climbed yellow slopers💣 7B/SCHWARZ (Ping Pong)👊
    linusraatzfirst move took me a bit 💛great one!
  • linusraatz climbed black crimps, slopers, pinches & volumes💣💪🔬💎🧲 7B+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Eisberg)👊
  • linusraatz climbed orange crimps & slopers💣💪 7C+/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Dicke Berta)👊
  • linusraatz climbed „Sanfte Radikalität“💪💣 7C/SCHWARZ ⚡ (Karma)👊
    linusraatzSehr sehr geil! 7C/+? toehook lösen und die pinch verhaften war schwer.
  • linusraatz climbed red crimps 7C+/Schwarz (45 Degree)👊
    linusraatznice sequence :) struggled with skin and slipping

