
freelance #routesetter from Berlin, Germany
Home location: bertablock
Level: ~7A+
Height: 184cm
Ape index: 2cm
    rob.buse🎠 Kneebars 💝 Sitstarts 🎠
    So actually everything what used to be pretty normal several years ago when I started setting 😅 This one though is really comfortable and accessible👌😌 Still I saw people didn't do the start, because they couldn't find the right starting position down low 😲 That's probably why some gyms never set low starts for their customers 🤔 #oldschool #toodemanding #unnecessaryevil
    Anyway @bertablockboulderhalle everything's possible 😅 Thanks for the great setting day @otis_wedding @fabi_pensel & @nikblanc14 ❤️
    Thank God for my quick healing shoulder and my awesome physio 🙏😇
    Cheers Robert
    🇬🇧 "It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult."
    🇩🇪 "Nicht weil es schwer ist, wagen wir es nicht, sondern weil wir es nicht wagen, ist es schwer."
    [Lucius Annaeus Seneca]
    I love this quote so much in relation to bouldering. It has this bittersweet taste for me when I think about my bouldering mindset and routesetting 🤯 I would like to embrace the "try-hard-mode" more often in the future. This quote is a good reminder 🌱➡️🌳 Thank you Mr. Seneca 🌠
    Hope you have a good time on this boulder problem and thanks for the great setting session w/ @fabi_pensel & @otis_wedding ▶️ @bertablockboulderhalle 🙏😇
    Cheers Robert
    • singapursling@rob.buse Du alter Wandschleicher! Das Video hätte ich gestern gebraucht..Ich hätt's bestimmt trotzdem verkackt😁! Vielen Dank dafür, jetzt fass ich den Boulder doch nochmal an.
    • RobertDSo schöne Platte 😍
    • ole.zeltWie leicht du den Top aussehen lässt @rob.buse! 👌 Finde ich richtig scary, weit und schwer - obwohl das so ein guter Henkel ist. Bin da jetzt schon ein paarmal abgeflogen...
    rob.buse🌠 STAR SPAN 🌠
    Somehow it looks a bit reachy, don't you think so? 😅
    Thanks for the great setting session with @fabi_pensel & @otis_wedding
    You can find the new set on sector: WAVE & TOP ROPE 🌊😁👍
    rob.buse✴️ Change it (?) ✴️
    For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to change and reset my boulder problems. I'm never entirely satisfied with the result, and a small part of me always finds a small "mistakes" or things that I could change to make it even more "better" 😅👉 #perfectionist
    I guess I can let go if this feeling, too 🙏😇🕊️
    It's good to see you. It's good to see people having fun again and enjoying bouldering 🤩
    Have a good day 💙🧡
    Cheers Robert
    • juliaAh also doch ein Knieklemmer! Hab mich schon gefragt…
    • MantasDer macht echt Spaß!
    rob.buse@fabi_pensel on “Flathead” technic mantle compression strength boulder 🔬🏄💎💪 with black crimps & slopers 7A+/V7/SCHWARZ from me at @bertablock (Submarino)
    rob.buse🍭 Sloper Smack Action 🍭
    Here's what I'd like to call a proper #skinrasp3000 🙌😅 Sit down and slap your way up to the arete on these comfy @flathold slopers 💥👋
    This week's guest setter @matze_r561
    from @boulderhallee4 Nürnberg left some fresh 💎 on sector 'World Cup' and 'Solarium' @bertablockboulderhalle 👌😌 Don't forget to check >>> <<< to tick off all your climbs ☑️
    Cheers Robert
    [Music by @sixumbrellas from Berlin 🇩🇪]
    • FloSIn 2 Wochen ist er schmutzig genug, um ihn aufzuwerten 😃
  • rob.buse📸 / Matthias Roth (E4 Nürnberg)🌟‍
    rob.buseMatthias Roth (E4 Nürnberg) on coordination boulder 🤹 with orange slopers 7A+/V7/ORANGE from Matthias Roth (E4 Nürnberg) at @bertablock (Solarium)
    rob.buse🔶🔵 Orange Dual-Tex 🔵🔶
    Another day // another set // yesterday @bertablockboulderhalle together w/ @erik_9.7 [f/ @studio_bloc_darmstadt] @fabi_pensel @lisa.friedrich @elenaflw & Martin 🤗
    This time I had the chance to set with these awesome dual texture holds from @bluepillclimbing sponsored by @walterfritzenergie 🤩 Dual-Tex is a hold with two separate surfaces // The blue side is rough and with good grip like sandpaper 🙌 // The other orange side is extremely smooth and slippery ⛸️
    In competition bouldering and lead climbing we see these typ of holds more and more, because they are very functional and useful for routesetters to force specific dynamic moves // For example if you like to set an undercling in a positive slap one can not grab or smear on the slippery bit on top // Or if you turn the blue side to the left in order to get a sidepull it'll be impossible to grab the right side // Forcing the direction of loading is key to super interesting boulder problems and good quality routesettering 😉
    Anyway // Thanks for the great setting session and have fun with this awesome boulder problem in @bertablockboulderhalle's 4th grade BLUE 💙
    See you soon with some more setting fun 😍
    Cheers Robert
    rob.buse♻️ Set it. Tweak it. Repeat. ♻️
    This one is from last Monday's reset @bertablock together with @fabi_pensel @stephanvogt94 and Martin 🤝 You can find it in the left overhang of the 4th hall #bouldergymlikealabyrinth 😆👍
    Some of you might find the tiny tweak I did to it the other day 🤫 We all know that repeating a boulder problem is a perfect training to become a better and stronger climber, right? 😅 If not, here's your chance 😉 #getit
    Cheers Robert
    #awesome music by @brokeforfreemusic
    rob.buse🍏🎲 Routesetting Game 🎲🍏
    Here's my green highlight boulder problem from this week's reset @bertablockboulderhalle together w/ @fabi_pensel @m.c.batiste @jost_lehmann & Martin ✔️
    In the morning we decided to play the #routesettinggame made by @marcojubes @punksetter & @climbersagainstcancerofficial 🎲 to spice things a bit up 😏👉🌶️
    On the following photo you can see the cards I drew 🃏 I think the game works best when you don't take it too serious and understand your pick as an inspirational starting point for the setting job 🧠💡
    The flag move I picked is quite complex in relation to the gym's 3rd grade GREEN 🍏 (@bertablockboulderhalle)🌶️👌😉 Learning to stand and hold on to blank volumes is a great challenge for climbers in this grade 🤓 Oftentimes people don't know that one is allowed to use these 'black wooden boxes' 🤔😅
    Hope you like this problem as much as I do 💟 Leave a comment or give feedback and tell me what you think about the grade for this boulder problem or the grading @bertablockboulderhalle
    in general ("No Rob! What did you do?! You just opened a Pandora's box with this request!" 💣❓🤔)
    Cheers Robert
    [music by Kenney Floreat]
    • singapurslingIt is very nice boulder and absolutely fitting for the grade! The grading in general... Do you really want to know?

